Thursday, October 7, 2010

Currency Wars

Wall Street Journal- Currency Wars-A fight to be Weaker; by: Tom Lauricella, John LyonsSep 29, 2010

Tensions are growing in the global currency markets as political rhetoric heats up and countries battle to protect their exporters, raising concerns about potentially damaging trade wars.
At least half a dozen countries are actively trying to push down the value of their currencies, the most high-profile of which is Japan, which is attempting to halt the rise of the yen after a 14% rise since May. In the U.S., Congress is considering a law that targets China for keeping its currency artificially low, and in Brazil, the head of the central bank said the country may impose a tax on some short-term fixed income investments, which have contributed to a rise in the real.
Peter Morici, business professor at the University of Maryland, discusses why he believes China's longstanding efforts to keep its currency cheap have led to huge trade imbalances with the United States and other nations.

Businesses always want to be more competitive and politicians often talk a big game. But in the current environment, as many economies are still struggling to recover from the global financial crisis, worries are growing that policy makers could be more aggressive in protecting their nation's business interests.

Rising protectionism is "a very big risk," says Erin Browne, a macro stock market strategist at Citigroup. "And it's something that could move more into the spotlight after the [U.S.] election."
Currency-market strains could also be a topic of discussion at next week's IMF/World Bank meeting in Washington where central bank and government finance officials will be gathering.
The Japanese government earlier this month stepped into the currency markets for the first time in years. To counter the yen's rise, Japan sold some $20 billion worth of its currency, which traders said was its biggest-ever effort in a single day.

Japan joined many other Asian emerging-market countries that have fighting rising currencies on a near daily basis, such as Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand. In Latin America, Brazil, Colombia and Peru have also intervened to tamp down their currencies.

In the U.S., protectionist efforts have been on the rise, especially when it comes to China, which is widely seen as keeping its currency, the yuan, at artificially low levels in order to boost its exports and make it more expensive for the Chinese to purchase goods produced abroad.
The House of Representatives is expected to pass legislation on Thursday that would let U.S. companies argue that Chinese currency policy represents an unfair subsidy. Democratic Senator Charles Schumer plans to push similar legislation to punish China for currency manipulation in the lame-duck session following the election. But it is considered unlikely the bill will pass.
Even so, the administration could use the threat of congressional action to press Beijing to make further adjustments in its currency, particularly as a summit of the Group-of-20 leaders in mid November draws closer.

IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said he wouldn't rule out a currency war and that officials at both the fund and the Group of 20 nations were actively working to prevent such a battle of competitive depreciations.

However, in a press briefing in Washington, Mr. Strauss-Kahn said he didn't believe there was a big risk of such a war.

"There is no good to expect from intervention," he said. "History has shown that the effect of this kind of intervention doesn't last for very long."

Part of the challenge is that the moves in the currency markets that are raising the ire of central banks and politicians are being driven by longer-term investors.

Stronger economies in the emerging markets are attracting capital from the developed world, pumping up demand for local currencies. Talk of additional quantitative easing in the U.S. signals to investors that interest rates there will remain close to zero for a long time.
Meanwhile, inflation is building in Asia, forcing interest rates higher. Investors see that mismatch and are shuttling money from west to east, attracted to the higher yields.
"The flows that we're seeing are soundly based," says Richard Yetsenga, global head of emerging-market currency strategy at HSBC.

Some countries intervene more forcefully than others. Technology exporter Taiwan sees little fluctuation in its currency, thanks partly to heavy government intervention. Its currency is up less than 2% against the dollar this year. Malaysia, on the other hand, has allowed a stronger ringgit for the independence a free-floating currency gives its monetary policy makers, and the spur it gives to its exporters to become more efficient.

Government officials outside China for the most part step gingerly when it comes to the region's largest economy and its approach to currency reform, if they say anything at all. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said last week in an interview with The Wall Street Journal regarding China's appreciation: "I can understand their caution, but on balance they need not go so slow."

The rhetoric was much hotter this week out of Brazil, where its currency has risen more than 30% against the dollar since last year partly because investors flock to its relatively high interest rates.

On Monday, Brazil's Finance Minister Guido Mantega lashed out at the U.S., Japan and other rich nations he says are letting their currencies weaken to spur growth—growth that comes at the expense of other exporters like Brazil.
"We're in the midst of an international currency war," Mr. Mantega said during an event in São Paulo. "This threatens us because it takes away our competitiveness."
The head of Brazil's central bank, which has been intervening in the currency markets to slow the real's rise, was more circumspect on Tuesday.

"There is a very serious currency problem which should be addressed," Henrique de Campos Meirelles said. Mr. Meirelles said that raising taxes on flows into Brazil was a possibility.
Officials say Brazil's 10.75% benchmark interest rate is necessary to squelch inflation and keep the Latin America's biggest economy from overheating. But it attracts a flood of investment from speculators who borrow in the U.S. or Japan where money is cheap, and deposit it in Brazil. The inflows of cash propel the real even higher.

With Brazil's presidential elections scheduled for Sunday, dealing with a strong currency is shaping up as the first major economic issue to face Brazil's next president. Dilma Rousseff, the former Energy Minister and handpicked successor to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva leading the polls, is an advocate of Brazil's 11-year-old floating exchange rate. But she is likely to face pressure from economists within her left-wing party, including Mr. Mantega, to intervene more heavily.

QUESTIONS: 1. (Introductory) Why is tension growing in the foreign-exchange market?2. (Introductory) Name some of the countries that have already intervened in the foreign-exchange market to stem the rise of their currencies?3. (Advanced) Cite specific intervention measures that some countries have already taken in the foreign-exchange market to stem the rise of their currencies?4. (Advanced) What is the opinion of the International Monetary Fund with regards to currency wars? Do you agree with the IMF's position? Why?


Gillian Morse said...
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Gillian Morse said...

I think that we should be concerned about a currency war going on. Although Mr. Strauss-Kahn says he does not think that there is that great of a risk of this type of war, because, "History has shown that the effect of this kind of intervention doesn't last for very long." Although it's true that history often repeats itself,globalization has changed everything. I more agree with the Finance Minister of Brazil, because it is negatively affecting his country.

Kasey O'Malley said...

Although I do think that it's important to consider the effects of globalization, I disagree with Gillian and agree with the IMF Managing Director, Mr. Strauss-Kahn. Since globalization has increased the connection and overlap within our economies, I don't think a currency war is probable. The majority of the world's economies are currently struggling and no one can afford to be involved in a currency war due to the widespread interdependence.

paigeo said...

Although government intervention usually causes more harm than good in the world of economics, I believe that something should be done about the countries stemming their currencies. I think these actions by Japan and China may lead to extreme problems in the future due to its possible control over U.S. investments and other countries' economies, exports and investments as well, such as Brazil's scenario.

Samy Ramsey said...

I agree that countries like China should stop artificially keeping their currency at lower levels because it represents an imbalance in the global financial market. If China is allowed to manipulate its currency like they are currently doing, then China will have an unfair advantage exporting goods as importing goods will become too expensive. To remedy this problem, China must be pushed to stop through continued congressional action and new protective policies should be put in place.

Anonymous said...

I think Brazil needs to do something about its high interest rates, because if they don't, the consequence will be that their currency will increase in value due to the flood of foreign investors. Also, I do not agree with the IMF’s position because it doesn’t make sense to me how Mr. Strauss-Kahn can say that there is no risk, but also foreshadow a problem by saying that intervention won’t help.

Michelle Kulach said...

I do not believe the currency way will get extremely out of hand, but I think it should be taken more seriously than how the IMF explained it. Countries are manipulating the economy and their use of money to benefit themselves, but this leads to major problems as explained by Brazil. This tension and unfair actions can lead to this type of currency war. I believe more action should be taken to ensure such problems will not occur.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Michelle, that this problem is not too serious at the moment, and a large-scale intervention is not necessarily needed, but there is still a possibility of this developing into a catastrophe. I think that if any interference be made, it should be against China, who has a large amount of wealth as it is, and now is just burying all of their competition deeper beneath them. Emerging economies, like Brazil's, will find it hard to prosper globally if countries like China do not ease up on their currency policies.

Emma Stuba said...

I don't think China will stop keeping the yuan at artificially low levels because it boosts exports while reducing imports. The US is also in a tight spot because the Chinese buy our bonds and sell to us and to pressure them to stop keeping the yuan low would hurt us and them. The US would have to stop importing and start exporting if we could not fund our debt but also the Chinese would lose value in all the bonds they bought. I think there will continue to be tension but not any drastic measures taken soon.

kathleen lynch said...

I do not think that a large intervention is the solution. Now that globalization has taken place, it is okay for currencies to competing. It is all just part of the process of globalization. I think that there will be many tensions among countries, but nothing too serious like war will happen because of this.

Spencer Tuggle said...

The government should intervene. China needs to stop keeping their currency at lower levels because it is putting them at an unfair advantage.